Board Meeting Agendas
All of our Monthly Meeting Agendas will be posted here.
Town of Cromwell
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Cromwell Town Hall
August 12, 2024
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Discuss with possible action on approving previous minutes.
4. Discuss with possible action on approving the financials.
5. Discuss with possible action on paying the bills.
6. Hear from the Public.
7. Discuss with possible action on approving the budget for 2024/2025.
8. BT update with possible action.
9. Discuss with possible action on starting the foreclosure process on the abandoned property at 202 Jenkins.
10.Community Center Update with possible action.
11.Fire Department
a. Fire department report with possible action.
b. Report about Wex account with possible action.
c. Update on trailer title from Lowe’s with possible action.
d. Update on Fire Hydrant at the station with possible action.
e. Discuss with possible action on having burn permits for residents inside city limits and determine price.
12.Discuss with possible action on applying for the CENA grant.
13.Discuss with possible action on applying for the T-Mobile/Hometown Grant.
14.Discuss with possible action on approving a dumpster for fall clean up.
15.Discuss with possible action on Nick Alred’s cleanup bill.
16.Maintenance report with possible action.
17.Clerk’s report with possible action.
18.New Business
19.Board member/Attorney Comments
Town of Cromwell
Cromwell Town Hall
Special Meeting
July 16, 2024
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Discuss with action on Public Hearing on 2024-2025 Budget.
4. Adjournment
Town of Cromwell
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Cromwell Town Hall
July 8, 2024
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Discuss with possible action on approving the previous minutes.
4. Discuss with possible action on paying the bills.
5. Discuss with possible action on approving the financials.
6. Hear from the public.
7. Agreed Upon Procedures Report with possible action.
8. Discuss with possible action on the Management Representation Letter Relating to Compliance and Agreed-Upon Procedures.
9. Discuss with possible action on signing an engagement letter with Patti Clift for Agreed-Upon Procedures for 2023/2024.
10.Hear from Chris Morphis and Anthony Lombardo on ideas for marketing for Bill Tilghman with possible action.
11.Hear update on the Community Center and the Emergency Reap Grant with possible action.
12.Discuss with possible action on Renewing Aaron Sowder as the Flood Plain Administrator.
13.Discuss with possible action on having vendor permits and prices if someone wanted to set up to sell something throughout the year.
14.Fire Department Report with possible action.
A. Discuss with possible action on the Booster Club having a fundraiser at the FD in September.
B. Discuss with possible action on appointing the Requisitioning and Receiving Officers for the County PO’s for 2024/2025.
15.Discuss with possible action on letter OG&E has requested.
16.Discuss with possible action on having another Bulk Trash Day in August or September.
17.Discuss with possible action on allowing Michelle to take her last week of vacation July 22nd – 25th.
18.Discuss with possible action on the following complaints:
A. Savannah & Sandra Whisnant’s dogs
B. The pigs from the black house on Hwy 56.
19.Maintenance Report with possible action.
20.BT report with possible action.
21.Clerk’s report with possible action.
22.Board Member/Attorney Comments
23.New Business
Town of Cromwell
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Cromwell Town Hall
June 11, 2024
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Discuss with possible action on approving previous minutes.
(5-20-24 & 5-28-24)
4. Discuss with possible action on paying the bills.
5. Discuss with possible action on approving financials.
6. Hear from the Public
7. Fire Department Report with possible action.
8. Discuss with possible action on accepting one of the bids for the Community Center.
9. Discuss with possible action on applying for the emergency REAP grant for the Community Center.
10.Discuss with possible action on the increase from AT&T on the phone bill.
11.Discuss with possible action on The Bridge Holiness Church having their revival in the park July 18th, 19th, & 20th, and what to charge them since the Community Center is closed.
12.Discuss with possible action on renewing the contract with Aaron Sowder for Emergency Management and determine price.
13.Discuss with possible action on approving the 2024/2025 Budget.
14.Hear report from ODOT with possible action.
15.Maintenance Report with possible action.
16.Clerk’s Report with possible action.
17.New Business
18.Board Member/Attorney Comments
Town of Cromwell
Cromwell Town Hall
Special Meeting
May 28, 2024
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Discuss with possible action on condition of Community Center.
4. Discuss with possible action on how long to close the Community Center.
5. Discuss with possible action on applying for the Emergency Reap Grant.
6. Board member/Attorney Comments
7. Adjournment
Town of Cromwell
Cromwell Community Center
Special Meeting
April 25, 2024
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Discuss with possible action on hiring Cynthia Murray as the fill in for Michelle and determine the rate of pay.
4. Board member comments.
5. Adjournment.
Meetings are held at the Cromwell Community Center at 5:30pm
All Special called meetings will be posted on the Front Door to Town Hall, on the Inside door of the Community Center, and on our website 48 hours in advance of the meeting.
January 8, 2024
February 12, 2024
March 11, 2024
April 8, 2024
May 13, 2024
June 10, 2024
July 8, 2024
August 12, 2024
September 9, 2024
October 21, 2024, DUE TO COLUMBUS DAY
November 18, 2024, DUE TO VETERANS DAY
December 9, 2024
Town of Cromwell
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Cromwell Community Center
April 8, 2024
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll Call
3. Discuss with possible action on approving previous minutes.
4. Discuss with possible action on approving financial statements.
5. Discuss with possible action on paying the bills.
6. Hear from the Public.
7. Discuss with possible action on Brittany Burden’s complaint about neighboring dogs.
8. Discuss with possible action on signing an engagement letter from Patti Clift for Agreed Upon Procedures.
9. Discuss with possible action on renewing the New Age agreement.
10.Discuss with possible action on approving Flood Damage Prevention Ordinance.
11.Fire Department report with possible action.
A. Discuss with possible action on approving closing the old account at county and transferring $184.22 from the old account (1321-2-8202-2005) to the current account (1330-2-8202-2005)
12.Maintenance Report with possible action.
13.Bill Tilghman Report with possible action.
A. Discuss with possible action on allowing the BT Committee to purchase a deep fryer for BT to have for fundraisers.
B. Discuss with possible action on the town contributing $1,500 to BT.
C. Discuss with possible action on allowing Michelle to have $200 in change for the walking taco fundraiser.
14.Clerk’s Report with possible action.
A. Street Sign for Harkins
B. Little Assembly of God church doing PB&J sandwiches in the park once a month on a Saturday.
C. Nick’s Mileage Checks
15.Discuss with possible action on updating the following ordinances:
A. Part 4 – Animals
B. Part 8 – Health and Sanitation
C. Part 13 – Public Safety
16.New Business.
17.Board Member Comments.
Town of Cromwell
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Cromwell Community Center
March 11, 2024
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll Call
Public Hearing
A. Review – 101 O’Neal – Renter – Nick Alred
B. Review – 403 Jenkins – Owner Roy Mulford III
3. Discuss with possible action on approving previous minutes.
4. Discuss with possible action on approving financial statements.
5. Discuss with possible action on paying the bills.
6. Hear from the Public.
7. Discuss with possible action on compliant on the fire department from Jamie Ott.
8. Hear update on dog pound with possible action.
9. Discuss with possible action on the Booster Club using the fire department for a Chili Cook Off fundraiser.
10.Fire Department report with possible action.
A. Discuss with possible action on letter received from Weston Blankenship
11.Maintenance Report with possible action.
12.Bill Tilghman Report with possible action.
A. Discuss with possible action on approving mileage for Nick Alred for going to car shows to get potential entrants for the BT Car Show.
13.Clerk’s Report with possible action.
A. Discuss with possible action on Michelle going to the Code Enforcement Property Maintenance Training April 18th & 19th at Moore – Norman Technology Center. Price is $165
B. Discuss with possible action on approving Kari Doty to be the “fill in” for Michelle.
14.Discuss with possible action on letting Gervis and Johnny Morphis cut down trees at the Fire Department for the wood.
15.Discuss with possible action on having either April 22nd or 29th as our spring clean up day with Central Disposal.
16.Discuss with possible action on updating ordinances.
17.New Business.
18.Board Member Comments.
Town of Cromwell
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Cromwell Community Center
February 12, 2024
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Discuss with possible action on approving previous minutes.
4. Discuss with possible action on approving financials.
5. Audit Reports for 2020/2021 & 2021/2022 with possible action.
6. Discuss with possible action on accepting the engagement letter from the new Auditor, David Clanin.
7. Discuss with possible action on having Patti Clift as a consultant.
8. Fire Department Report with possible action.
a. Board Member/Attorney Comments
9. Discuss with possible action on adopting the Flood Plain Ordinance
10.Discuss with possible action on accepting one of the mowing bids for the 2024 mowing season.
11.Discuss with possible action on accepting one of the bids for reconstructing the dog pound.
12.Discuss with possible action on accepting one of the bids for dog catcher.
13.REAP Grant update with possible action.
14.Maintenance report with possible action.
15.Clerk’s report with possible action.
a. Discuss with possible action on allowing Maycee Farris to work for 3 weeks on scanning and shredding to make room.
b. Discuss with possible action on having Amber Hass fill in for me on days that I need off and on my vacation.
16.New business
17.Board member/Attorney comments.
Town of Cromwell
Cromwell Community Center
Special Meeting
January 29, 2024
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Discuss with possible action on the dog pound/dog catcher situation.
4. Discuss with possible action on Town Clerk’s pay raise.
5. Discuss with possible action on having a separate bank account for Rainy Day Fund.
6. Discuss with possible action on having a separate bank account for Streets & Alley Fund.
7. Discuss with possible action on allowing$500 from the BT account to purchase items to make Cromwell merchandise to sell out of Town Hall as an ongoing BT Fundraiser.
8. Discuss with possible action on paying the Risk Management/OMES insurance bill.
9. Board member/Town Attorney Comments
Town of Cromwell
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Cromwell Community Center
January 8, 2024
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Hear from the public.
4. Discuss with possible action on approving previous minutes.
5. Discuss with possible action on approving financials.
6. Discuss with possible action on paying the bills.
7. Fire Department Report with possible action.
A. Update on Property Clean-up/ brush burning at O’Neal & DeShield’s Streets.
B. Hear report on how Toy Drive went with possible action.
C. Board Member Comments
8. Discuss with possible action on update from Rural Water.
9. Discuss with possible action on setting Election Dates.
10. Discuss with possible action on adopting the Flood Plains Resolution.
11. Discuss with possible action on going out for bids for the 2024 Mowing season.
12. Discuss with possible action on purchasing more stamps before the price goes up.
13. Maintenance Report with possible action.
A. Discuss with possible action on painting the community center.
B. Board Member Comments
14. Clerk’s Report with possible action.
A. Discuss with possible action on purchasing a small hot water heater for Town Hall.
B. Discuss with possible action on giving Michelle a “Cost of Living” raise.
C. Discuss with possible action on allowing Michelle to go to the Budget Class on January 25th. Cost is $150.
D. Board Member Comments
15. Discuss with possible action on setting a Special Meeting on January 29th for a “Special Audit Meeting”.
16. Update on police department with possible action.
17. New Business
18. Board Member Comments
19. Adjournment
Town of Cromwell
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Cromwell Community Center
December 11, 2023
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call
3. Hear from the public.
4. Discuss with possible action on approving previous minutes.
5. Discuss with possible action on approving financials.
6. Discuss with possible action on paying the bills.
7. Discuss with possible action on ratifying the bill for property clean up at 101 O’Neal Street.
8. Discuss with possible action on OWRD Resolution.
9. Discuss with possible action on Rural Water.
10.Discuss with possible action on allowing Michelle and James to go to the Code Enforcement classes February 7th, 8th, and 9th. Cost is $165 per person.
11.Discuss with possible action on approving meeting dates and times for 2024.
12.Discuss with possible action on giving Christmas bonuses with amount.
13.Discuss with possible action on looking at new tornado sirens to add to the Town.
14.Discuss with possible action on getting another camera and a full security system at Town Hall.
15.Discuss with possible action on the Town doing away with the landline phone and going to a cell phone.
16.Fire Department report with possible action.
17.Maintenance Report with possible action.
18.Clerk’s report.
A. Discuss with possible action on allowing Michelle to switch paydays.
B. Police Department Update with possible action.
C. Update – Fire Dues Online
D. Discuss with possible action on when to do the Grand Reopening at Town Hall and set a date.
19.Board Member Comments
Town of Cromwell
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Cromwell Community Center
November 13, 2023
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
Public Hearing
A. Review - 403 Jenkins – Owner – Roy Mulford III
B. Update – 101 O’Neal – Renter – Nick Alred
3. Discuss with possible action on approving previous minutes.
4. Discuss with possible action on approving financials.
5. Discuss with possible action on paying the bills.
6. Hear from Public.
7. Discuss with possible action on refunding building rental to Daniel Alred. (See attached note)
8. Discuss with possible action closing out Bill Tilghman for 2023. (See attached report)
9. Discuss with possible action on going out for bids for Bill Tilghman 2024 or having the Town continue to organize it.
10. Discuss with possible action on OWRD Resolution.
11. Discuss with possible action on the report from CLEET.
12. Clerks Report with possible action.
A. Discuss with possible action on the Community Bulletin Board in Town Hall. (See picture)
B. Discuss with possible action on doing a “Grand Re-Opening” on November 18th, 11a-1p.
C. Discuss with possible action on a returned check.
D. Discuss with possible action on Michelle going to some upcoming training. (See attached list)
E. Discuss with possible action on getting an exterminator to spray Town Hall for spiders.
F. Board Member Comments
13. Fire department
A. Fire department report with possible action.
B. Discuss with possible action on invoice from AutoZone.
C. Board Member comments
14. Discuss with possible action on doing a “Community Christmas Decorating Contest” with cash prizes for 1st, 2nd, 3rd place.
15. Discuss with possible action cleaning up property at the Fire Department.
16. Discuss with possible action on the Town sponsoring the Booster Club.
17. Discuss with possible action on an amount that the Town would like for the New Age Committee to fundraise. (Tabled from October)
18. Maintenance Report with possible action
A. Discuss with possible action on Mike “fixing” the step in Town Hall
19. Announcements
20. New Business
21. Board Member Comments
22. Adjournment
Town of Cromwell
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Cromwell Community Center
October 9, 2023
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
Public Hearing
A. Review - 403 Jenkins – Owner – Roy Mulford III
B. Review – 101 Yahola – Owner – Angela Benson
3. Discuss with possible action on approving previous minutes.
4. Discuss with possible action on approving financial statements.
5. Discuss with possible action on paying the bills.
6. Hear from the Public.
7. Discuss with possible action on accepting one of the bids for the drainage with the REAP Grant.
A. Hear from Sand Creek Excavation
8. Discuss with possible action on reimbursements.
9. Discuss with possible action on accepting the budget for 2023/2024.
10. Hear update with possible action on the railing around the Cromwell Rock.
11. Hear update with possible action on new railing at the Community Center.
12. Community Center Report with possible action.
A. Discuss with possible action on new age doing fundraising.
13. Maintenance Report with possible action.
14. Fire department report.
A. Discuss with possible action on accepting the fire department report as given.
B. Board Member Comments
15. Bill Tilghman Report with possible action.
16. Clerk’s Report with possible action.
17. New Business
18. Board Member Comments
19. Adjournment
Town of Cromwell
Cromwell Community Center
Special Meeting
September 18, 2023
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
3. Discuss with possible action on doing a change order for the current remodel of Town Hall and paying for it with the remainder of the ARPA money and/or from Rainy Day.
4. Discuss with possible action on reassessing and raising the landfill rates.
5. Board Member comments.
6. Adjournment.
Town of Cromwell
Regularly Scheduled Meeting
Cromwell Community Center
September 11, 2023
1. Call meeting to order.
2. Roll call.
Public Hearing
A. Review – 202 Jenkins Street – Owner – Henry Bawcum.
B. Review - 101 O’Neal Street – Renter – Nick Alred
C. Review - E. Jenkins Street – Owner – Elizabeth Wheeler
D. Review – 104 O’Neal Street – Owner – Mario Jackson
E. Review - O’Neal & DeShields Street – Owner – Gary Stenbak
F. Review - 403 Jenkins – Owner – Roy Mulford III
3. Discuss with possible action on approving previous minutes.
4. Discuss with possible action on approving financial statements.
5. Discuss with possible action on paying the bills.
6. Hear from the Public.
7. Discuss with possible action on paying for Jeff to attend the CLE at the OML Annual Fall Conference.
8. Discuss with possible action on letting Michelle attend the OML Annual Fall Conference.
9. Discuss with possible action on getting new railing at the Community Center.
10. Discuss with possible action on accepting one of the bids for the drainage with the REAP Grant.
11. Community Center Report with possible action.
12. Maintenance Report with possible action.
13. Fire department report.
A. Discuss with possible action on accepting the fire department report as given.
B. Board Member Comments
14. Bill Tilghman Report with possible action.
15. Clerk’s Report with possible action.
A. Discuss with possible action on suspending the Dollar General’s Trash Service.
B. Discuss with possible action on getting a new color copier from Don’s Copiers.
C. Discuss with possible action on doing an “open house” when the remodel gets completed.
D. Update on website with possible action.
16. Discuss with possible action on setting a date for our annual Christmas Party and decide if we want to have a traditional party or do a Christmas Tree Lighting in the Park.
17. Discuss with possible action on raising the landfill rates. *See attachment from Central Disposal*
18. Discuss with possible action on transferring money from the General Fund to the Landfill Account due to several non-payments and suspended services.
19. Discuss with possible action on when to set trick or treat night for October.
20. New Business
21. Board Member Comments
22. Adjournment